(2) Call our office and speak to a representative Telephone: (602) 266-8676
Your membership gives you access to VALUABLE BUSINESS SERVICES
Watch,as we grow. Our suite of services continues to expand.
A customized site built to MEET YOUR DIVERSITY NEEDS
Our goal is to build a center of excellence where professionals come to acquire
resources and information about diversity. As we grow, our site will become
more and more customized for you! Members will be able to access personalized
information, data and resources to meet individual needs and objectives.
Membership to YNKnet gives you access to all of the products and services
offered by Young & Kahn, our Associates and our Partners as well as discounts
on specified material. The
Shopping Center is home to a
suite of training ideas, strategic planning tools, e-learning, assessment
tools, books, videos, computer equipment and more.
We are an authorized distrubutor for Roosevelt Thomas Products, Learncom Videos and more.
Access to PEOPLE
Members, associates and partners can collaborate with each other in the
exchange of services and assistance. Your membership aligns you with recognized
leaders in management and diversity. The
Associates Center
is an online listing of many of today's most often sought after speakers, consultants and trainers.
As a Member, you can call our office to find out more about the Associates.
Additionally, our
Job Exchange Center is a
place for finders and seekers to meet. Members-Only will have access to this exchange.
Your membership means that, like us, you too are committed to building the
discipline of diversity into a recognized field of study. We, like you, are
committed to advancing the recognized benefits of diversity in our businesses,
learning institutions, and the communities in which we live and work.
Opportunities to STAY CURRENT
As we grow, information will continue to be added to our site.
The Members-Only
Learning Center has up-to-date web links, where members can find issues
from politics to implementation,
from daily management and managing diversity to understanding yourself as a change agent or even building your consulting
business. You will have free access to
diversity models, courseware, articles, information, and
And more!
Let's face it. You are busy. Let us bring the latest and best of the world of
Diversity to you. When you sign up, you will never be out of the loop again on
new products, innovative concepts, course material, new associates and all the
exciting things we haven't even thought of yet.
This site is built for YOU about YOU. The mission of
DiversityInfo.com is to build
a customized web-portal where individuals can easily access vital resources; a
place to learn, network and develop the field of diversity.
Your membership contribution helps build the
NDA, a center of excellence where
professionals come to acquire resources and information about diversity. By joining this site, you’ll automatically become a member of a
access to a powerful support system that can help you find solutions, operate
more efficiently and move your diversity efforts into the speed of technology.